Zo Skin Care®

About Zo Skin Care®?
Dr. Obagi started ZO Skin Health in 2007 with the goal of providing physicians and patients with the most innovative and effective skin health solutions available. Dr. Obagi has designed products with technologically advanced ingredients and even more effective formulas as the Medical Director of ZO Skin Health, which are divided into two categories: ZO® Skin Health and ZO® Medical. While ZO® Medical products have been tailored to treat a variety of skin problems and chronic conditions, ZO® Skin Health products preserve the outcomes of therapeutic treatments and provide effective everyday skincare and environmental protection.
Dr. Obagi's Mission
Dr. Obagi's philosophy is to help people achieve and maintain good skin for the rest of their lives. Our products have been created and developed specifically for this purpose. ZO Skin Health's product development team, led by practicing dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi, is continually studying market trends, acquiring novel components, and designing solutions that will give you visible results.

Frequently Asked Questions
Generally it takes 6 weeks for adjustment and tolerance, but you can begin to see cellular turnover within 2 weeks. As you continue to use ZO, more dead layers are exfoliated, brown spots diminished, skin texture becomes smoother, fine lines and wrinkles reduced. Retinols or Retinoic acids are a must for keeping your skin youthful, bright, healthy and toned. Dr. Zein Obagi’s ZO Skin Health line of products has given our patients a range of wonderful options for Retinols, Retinoic acids, anti-oxidants and growth factors.
Both come from Vitamin A but the difference is how they penetrate in the deep layers of the skin to create cellular turnover. Retinol penetrates the cell walls easier than Retin A or Retinoic acid. Retinols convert to Retinoic acid inside the cells. Retinols tend to be easier to tolerate than Retinoic acid causing less irritation. Retinols come in varying strengths like Retinoic acid, so the higher the strengths the greater their effectiveness. Both Retinol and prescription Retinoid products are used in the ZO Skin Health products.
Retinols and Retinoic acid in ZO Skin Health products are effective to exfoliate the outer layer of skin and preventing build up of dead layers of cells. Both create growth of healthy cells, exfoliate the dead outer skin layer, reduce brown spots for even skin tones and diminish signs of aging.
Contact Us
Text us: 850-808-7042